Friday, January 4, 2013

Dr. Marten Avery Boot: Bringing Back the Docs

I have lots of fond memories of my high school days in Dr. Marten's. My wardrobe was basically unisex, but I had a good reason for that. We were living in Santiago, Chile and there really wasn't a grand selection of jeans that fit my tall, lanky figure (what I would give to still be tall and lanky!). I basically lived in "hand-me-down" jeans from my best friend Nick since boy's jeans came in waist and length sizes. Oddly enough, we were the same size... which I guess would make him tall and lanky too... sorry, Nick. Anyhow, my Dr. Marten 8- eye boots were brown and I wore them for years. There was almost no support left on the soles and I could almost feel the street through them by the time it was all said and done. I was sad to get rid of them, but really, it was time. I Goodwill-ed them and almost immediately felt a sting as I drove away. I should have gone back and retrieved them from the bin. I am hoarder so I feel like I've climbed a small Mt. Everest when I gather things to give away. But this was one I shouldn't have gotten rid of. So I decided to get back into the market and wow, have the options increased. My fall/ winter wardrobe consists mostly of dresses, leggings, and long sweaters so I wanted something that was spunky yet feminine. Patent leather? I just couldn't pull the trigger. They look amazing on some women, but given that I felt I was pushing the fashion envelope for a woman in her mid-30s, I thought I should stay conservative. I opted for the floral velvet and even though it took me weeks of putting them on and taking them off before I left the house, I finally took the plunge and wore them on the street, thus making them mine forever. They are amazing. I get loads of compliments on them all the time. They catch the eye, but just enough for people to think,"Hey, fun shoes..." and then move on with their lives. It doesn't stick out as gaudy and I think I pull it off. 

So my unbiased review. I love them. They were comfortable from the get go. I remember having to break my previous Docs in but not these. They are fabric so they are much softer and more flexible around the ankles. The color is perfect and it goes well with black, grey... hmmm, that's all I've worn it with... perhaps I am not as "fashion-forward" as I think I am... the velvet has a nice sheen to it so you can dress it up, or wear it down with some jean shorts (I haven't... and can't see myself doing so, but I imagine it would work for some?). The one downer: it is velvet... which means you can't polish off the scuff marks, and if it rains, you better stay inside. I sprayed mine with ScotchGard since the latter option isn't really practical. I haven't worn them out in the rain but psychologically, I'll feel better about having them on knowing they are treated. I do walk carefully and in general, I take good care of my shoes, so so far, they've held up well. Definitely a keeper! I also bought a second brown floral pair (canvas vs. velvet) and those will be heading back... too casual. Cute, but just not what I am looking for. The Averys are my middle-aged upgrade from the brown leather ones I used to own and I feel almost as cool as Avril... give or take 60 lbs... and give or take 20 years:).

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